Writers Read Friday May 24th
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Friday May 24th @ 5:30pm
Desrosiers &
Bill Hunt [/column]
Lori Desrosiers has a book of poetry, The Philosopher’s Daughter from Salmon Poetry and a chapbook, Three Vanities from Pudding House Press. She has been involved in Split this Rock political poetry festival in Washington, DC and was chair in 2012 for the November 30/30 poetry challenge to benefit the Center for New Americans in Northampton, MA. She has conducted workshops at the Austin International Poetry Festival and New England College’s MFA program. She edits and publishes a journal of narrative poetry, Naugatuck River Review.
Because of unforeseen circumstances, Bill Hunt, not Dennis Barone, will be reading. Special thanks to Bill for graciously accepting a last minute reading engagement!
Bill Hunt will read from a new assortment of prose poems that he expects eventually will/may comprise a new sort of short-short novel form. He will also read from some of his earlier poetry. Publishing under the name of William Hunt, he is the author of two collections of poetry: Of the Map that Changes (Swallow/Ohio U.P.) and Oceans and Corridors of Orpheus (Elpenor Books). His poetry, fiction and critical writings have appeared in American Poetry Review, Poetry, New American Writing, The New Yorker, Southwest Review, Formations, The Nation, The Paris Review, Partisan Review, Salmagundi, Georgia Review, Massachusetts Review, Barrow Street, Kayak, Connecticut Review, The American Scholar, Journal for Anthroposophy, and elsewhere. He is a recipient of a National Endowment of the Arts fellowship and of the Langston Hughes Memorial Award (from Poetry magazine). He has taught creative writing at Loyola University (Chicago), Northwestern University, Northeastern Illinois University, University of Illinois, and most recently in Winsted, Conn. at Northwestern Connecticut Community College. At an earlier time Bill worked as a labor union organizer for mostly textile unions, as a community organizer for Saul Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundations, as a speechwriter and director of Public Information for three city and state agencies, as the administrator of the Esperanza School in Chicago, as office manager of the Anthroposophical Society in America, and as a reporter for the Springfield Republican and the Berkshire Eagle. He and his wife Lisa have three grown children who they raised in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts since moving there thirty-one years ago.
We welcome these fine artists to our reading series and we hope you will attend! Readings will begin at 5:30 in the gallery. The authors’ books will be available for purchase. Buy local! I hope to obtain a grant for next year’s readings.
See you at the readings!
If you have questions and/or are interested in reading in the series, though we can make no promises initially, please email David Giannini, coordinator of the WRITERS READ series, at davidgpoet@gmail.com
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