Writers Read
~ Thursday October 16 @ 5:30 presenting ~
Jim Kelleher & Irene Willis
This is a monthly series of established poets and writers reading from their works. Each month will usually feature a poet and writer reading from their works for approximately 30 (or less) minutes each.
Irene Willis is the author of four previous collections of poetry: They Tell Me You Danced, At the Fortune Cafe (winner, Violet Reed Haas Prize, Snake Nation Press, 2005), Those Flames (finalist for the Philip Levine Prize at California State, Fresno, and published by Bay Oak, 2009,) and her new book, Reminder (Word Poetry, 2014). She co-authored a number of textbooks and books for children and young adults. Thrice nominated for Pushcart Prizes, her poems have appeared in many journals and anthologies. A longtime educator who has ‘retired’ three times, she has taught at a number of secondary schools and colleges, most recently at Westfield State University and American International College in Massachusetts. Awards for her poetry include a Distinguished Artist fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, a residency fellowship from the Millay Colony for the Arts, and grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and the Berkshire/Taconic Foundation. She is Poetry Editor of the online publication, International Psychoanalysis.
Jim Kelleher is a carpenter and teacher. He has published two books of poetry, Quarry (2008) and Mick (2011) both with Antrim House. He teaches literature and composition at Northwestern CT Community College and Oliver Wolcott Tech, Torrington, CT.
We welcome these fine artists to our free reading series and we hope you will attend! Readings will begin at 5:30 in the gallery. Hope to see you there!
If you have questions and/or are interested in reading in the series, though we can make no promises initially, please email David Giannini, coordinator of the WRITERS READ series, at davidgpoet@gmail.com
Writers Read ask for a suggested donation of $3 per person.
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