Press Release: Holiday Glow Art Show
Good Purpose Gallery presents “Holiday Glow”
Lee, MA – The Good Purpose Gallery is celebrating the holidays with a new collection of distinctive artwork and original handmade crafts from local artisans. Every year the Good Purpose Gallery presents a much anticipatedholiday exhibit. This year’s show is titled Holiday Glow and features the artwork of Terry Wise, Susan Himmel and Jennifer Pazienza as well as several other talented artists and crafts people. Join us for a festive opening reception on Friday, November 27th, from 5:30pm – 7:30pm with live music, hors d’oeuvres, wine and dessert. Holiday Glow will run through January 12th.
Since its inception in 2011, The Good Purpose Gallery has exhibited the work of area artists in a variety of styles and media. The diversity of styles has long been a point of pride for the gallery and our holiday show is an excellent showcase for the many different approaches artists take to create their unique pieces.
Terry Wise, a local artist from Stockbridge, MA, has been trained as a textile designer and translates much of that experience through her paintings. Using block print patterns to create images of texture and warmth, she brings to life everyday objects and scenes.
Susan Himmel is an artist from upstate New York who fell in love with the Berkshire hills and has drawn much of her artistic inspiration from the beautiful scenery in the area. Working in both paints and mixed media she explores light, shadow, and color from the world around her.
When Jennifer Pazienza, is not travelling the world, she spends her time between her homes in Becket, MA, and New Brunswick, Canada. She has stated “For me beauty compels replication – the means by which we renew our search for truth and our regard for that which is life giving. In its presence I am made to stop, to slow down, and to look deeply. In my childhood, beauty was not just the property of things. It was something practiced. As an artist and educator my work attempts to recreate the call, response, and relationship I experience for myself and others”.
Good Purpose Gallery and Spectrum Playhouse are professional venues that exist to offer students with learning differences real-life training, experience and integration with the community. Both venues host professional artists and events on a regular basis throughout the year, including student events such as plays, performances, art exhibits, and more. The gallery is open 9am – 4pm daily. For more information on the Gallery, please visit our website: Goodpurpose.org
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