The Good Purpose Gallery & Starving Artist Cafe collaborated to create an evening of food, music & art for 20 guests for Valentine’s Day organized around the theme of love, harmony & beauty. Linda Worster, a local musician/lyricist and frequent contributor at the Cafe brunches, played and sang original tunes while guest enjoyed a fabulous crepe dinner prepared especially for the event by Emmy Davis, owner of the Cafe.
In between the entree and dessert, Eileen Mahoney, gallery staff, assisted by Ellen Orell, a CIP Berkshire student, led an arts experience in the gallery. Guests used oil pastels to create, blend and draw some expression of love in their lives. Afterward, they shared their picture(s), the title of their work and told a bit about their inspiration.
Then, back into the Cafe for the finale: a simply delicious sweet heart crepe dessert prepared by Emmy and her staff.
It was a sweet, fun evening – people did not want to leave!
All agreed that this should be the first of much collaboration of food & art. More to come…
By Kyle Goldman, Creative Arts Coordinator
Photos by Lucy AllarieGosselin
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