Good Purpose Gallery is delighted once again to present the Community Access to the Arts (CATA) exhibit consisting of a collection of paintings by artists with disabilities from March 31 – May 15. An artist reception will take place Thursday, March 30th from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
This exhibit, CATA Art on Tour: Art in Bloom will feature work created by CATA Artists from Berkshire County Arc and Berkshire Family and Individual Resources in A.R.T. painting workshops. A.R.T. (Artistic Realization Technologies) is an adaptive painting technique developed by artist Tim Lefens. This innovative process allows individuals with significant physical disabilities to precisely execute their creative vision with the assistance of a tracker acting as the hands of the artist. These A.R.T. workshops were funded in party by the Artist’s Resource Trust, a Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
CATA’s Executive Director Margaret Keller noted “We are thrilled to have this chance to showcase the talents of our CATA artists by partnership with CIP and the Good Purpose Gallery. This vibrant exhibit reflects our work with 600 CATA artists with disabilities across the Berkshires. We hope the community will come out to see first-hand the powerful work our artists have created and to join with us in shining a spotlight on the abilities of people with disabilities”
Community Access to the Arts nurtures and celebrates the creativity of people with disabilities through shared experiences in the visual and performing arts; offering over 1,000 workshops to 600 artists throughout the Berkshires, from Great Barrington to North Adams, and in Columbia County, NY.
Good Purpose Gallery is a professional venue of the College Internship Program (CIP) that supports college age students on the Autism Spectrum. The gallery’s mission is to inspire students to create and display their own artwork in the gallery, encouraging them to explore themselves and gain confidence in who they are.
The gallery is open 10am – 4pm daily, closed on Tuesdays.
For more information on CATA, please visit CATAarts.org.
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